
Thursday, December 25, 2014

I'm not sleeping with him.

How intriguing the title! :D hahaha, last Tuesday, my sister tagged me and my guy best friend in a photo which says "My best friend is a guy and I'm not sleeping with him." So para medyo intriguing, yan nilagay ko. :P Since I am filled with chikas and all nowadays. So anyway, I remember posting something about Manuel long time ago. That I'd rather settle for something permanent than something that I might lose along the way.

How I wish I can share something that had happened a couple of days ago. But to make the long story short, I came to realize that there are just some people who are meant to push you to your limits. And the best response? The art of deadma. Manuel and I had been friends since high school. Apart from my husband, I consider him to be my bestest guy friend, just because we have this "platonic special connection" which we both know will stay forever. (naks!) So last Tuesday, our friendship was put into test, by someone who is really clueless of what had REALLY happened. Some people are putting malicious levels on us. I want to laugh hard, just because that is not true! Not at all. In fact, we had this conversation about "kahit maghubad ka sa harap ko, di kita papatulan!" And it's mutual! I tell him everything about me, and he does the same! That is why I wonder why people are just too malicious to think that there is "something" happening between us. FYI, I am married. And cheating with my husband is really not my cup of tea. I mean, yes, Manuel and I go out, oftentimes we eat out and have coffee alone, and we'd rather have it that way (just because there are some issues that he's not comfortable to share to anybody else except ME.). And I can't see anything wrong with that!

So just to pacify the issue, I, no scrap that, we decided to keep things on ourselves and just see people bury themselves to negative vibes. All I know is that I got my guy bestfriend no matter what. :)

To add good vibes, I'm sharing some of our fancy pictures over the years. ;)

I just hope everyone will find someone like Manuel in their life. Someone who will be your friend for the rest of your life, no matter what. I am just so blessed to have a guy bestfriend in him. And yes, I am not sleeping with my bestfriend. ;)

much love,

Friday, December 19, 2014

Korean Escapade. Day 1-arrival

Ola! I know I should have posted this long time ago, but because my husband is too lazy to convert our pictures from raw to .jpeg, I had a hard time uploading them. Anyway, let me divide it into a day by day fun holiday, since I want to share as much as I can and having it in one entry might be too boring.=P

Just a short intro: Our original plan is to have our honeymoon in Japan, but unfortunately, there are no sale flights available. Second option, Korea! We got our tickets for 14,5++ for two, and according to my friends, the price is just reasonable. We also planned to see cherry blossoms, but we prioritized the expenses of our wedding so we just had autumn instead.

On the day of our departure, we went to Trinoma just to have our peso changed into won, but to our luck, they don't have any won available! I was hesitant to change it to dollar so we just tried our luck in Korea. Thank goodness that my mother gave us some dollars, that helped us a lot!

Tried Cebupac's onboard meals, I ordered Kaldereta! It's soooo good! :) Oh and on our way to Korea, my husband had a small talk with his seatmate Mr. Choi, and guess what, he joined us in one of our day tours! (will tell more about that in my next entries)

 Hello Korea! This is how I looked like when we arrived at the airport. It's cold outside!! (that explains the scarf) My hello kitty luggage says hi! =P


It's a four hour flight so we got hungry. We arrived at the airport at around 8 or 9 in the evening. Plus we have to travel from Incheon to Seoul for an hour so we decided to eat after we dropped our things in our hotel. And since we do not have an idea on where and what to eat, we had spicy korean noodles from 711! Mine tasted better than John's this time! We tried to walk around the streets of Myeongdong but we're too tired so we went back to our hotel after 20 minutes.