
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Preggo Diaries Week 21.

We're more than half of my journey! Thank you Lord for keeping us both safe and healthy! This week is the much awaited week of my pregnancy (aside from giving birth of course), since I will be having my Congenital Anomaly Scan on Friday. I'm nervous yet excited. Like what I have said whenever I feel anxious about everything, I pray. And it helps. It helps me A LOT. I'm not that nervous just like before. God is giving me positive vibes!

So last Saturday, I had this mini-shopping trip in the maternity section of a department store. I was able to sell a phone and I told myself, I should be rewarded so I bought two maternity dresses as my belly is getting bigger every week! To my surprise, my mother told me we are going to shop for more clothes! Shopping for maternity clothes is not my priority, as we are saving up for the baby. I have some loose clothes and leggings at home and I know I can survive work by wearing those. But then my mother is such a "sozzzyal" (and they know that I am not, and can wear clothes from 168 or Greenhills) that she told me I should wear decent clothes especially during meetings. So I obliged. Who does not want clothes for free?? :) So she helped me to choose clothes (lots of it) and I never got tired of trying everything on. Thanks to mother, now I do not have a hard time choosing clothes every morning.

In line with that, I want to share my first ever "legit" preggo selfie! I just turned 21 weeks last Sunday and believe me, back pains and difficulty in sleeping had been some of my friends lately. 
Please help me pray for a healthy baby! :)

much love,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Preggo Diaries 20 weeks.

Hello everyone! Last Sunday, I reached the half pregnancy journey mark!:) And I post this, the baby is occasionally kicking (and maybe doing some acrobatics inside my tummy) I just came from a seminar slash semi staycation and I just feel that the baby got too excited as he/she is moving non stop last night. The hubby is just so thrilled and excited to feel his/her moves!:)

So what's up with me this week? Aside from feeling my baby more often now, I already have the baby's Congenital Anomaly Scan next week! The OB said I should have it by 24 weeks or more, but blame it on my lowest eq, I will be having it @ 22 weeks. According to some friends, 20 weeks will do, but I made some compromise so 22 weeks will do, right?=P I decided to have it in WOMB (World of My Baby) in Megamall because I've read some good reviews about them. I am planning to have the 3D CAS, but the receptionist said features would still be "payat" because there are no baby fats yet. But for the sake of having a "realistic" glimpse of our little munchkin, I still opted to have the 3D scan.

As soon-to-be mom, I cannot deny the feeling of worry. I've been working in a gasoline station (I work in the office though) and I have this rare encounter with gasoline. My husband said I should not worry, because 3-5 seconds won't hurt the baby. But I am a worry-wart so you can't blame me!=P sometimes I go out that I get to be exposed with pollution and all that.. And the list goes on. I am clinging to the assurance that God will never fail me. Throughout this pregnancy, I had been very dependent to prayer. When I worry, I pray. That's the most powerful thing in the world for me!:) So now I just try my best to have peace of mind and just trust God. That's it!

much love,

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Preggo Diaries week 19.

I'm bringing one of the bestest news today!:) Our baby bacon turned 19 weeks last Sunday and what's a better way to start the day than to finally feel him/her moving! I finally got the "bubble" sensation that people are telling me about! The feeling is surreal. Nothing compares knowing that your baby is alive and kicking (literally) inside your tummy! I felt it several times in the morning at first. I told John to hold my tummy and to try if he'll feel our baby too.. and he did! Such a good buddy we have here! And mukhang nagpapasikat pa kay daddy nya ha! According to some mommies, the flicking sensation is normal during the early stages of pregnancy. And now I just couldn't contain my happiness!

And since it's a Sunday, John and I heard the mass together. I just feel good that despite a slight difference in religion, we still manage to patch things up. I asked God for a healthy baby (boy or girl) and I promised Him that I will religiously hear masses every Sunday. I know God will give us this one, after all, it isn't too much to ask for, right?

I am supposed to post this last Monday, but I had been busy so I am posting it today. Which is also good because I will also be sharing what happened yesterday during my 5th prenatal check up. Having Tita Nida (John's aunt) as our OB gyne is indeed a big blessing to us. It was a relief to be taken good care of a relative especially during this momentous (naks) event in our married life! So we had the usual doppler check, to hear baby bacon's heartbeat. Medyo makulit lang talaga itong anak ko at nahirapan pa si tita to look for a good position! I remember posting last month that I had a mini heart attack when she couldn't find baby's heartbeat at first!:P Now I'm a bit fine because I had already felt the baby's kicks and tumblings inside my tummy so I know the baby is fine.

Only that! I felt a bit disappointed that I still need to wait for four weeks to have our CAS and gender determination. Waiting is such a pain for me! I am known by people to have the lowest EQ in the world and it is indeed hard for me to wait for something, especially now that I am pregnant! I can remember when I've waited before just to see if the pregnancy will push thru or not. Thank God, I'm turning 20 weeks this Sunday!(halfway there!) Now I have to wait for another month just to see that my baby is normal and healthy.
And so I am appealing to all of my readers to help me pray for the baby. Every night I ask God to have a healthy pregnancy but I know God listens and it will be better if a lot of people are praying for you. Aside from waiting (and exhausting all the patience that I can have), the best thing that I can do now is pray. I told tita Nida yesterday that I am nervous regarding my CAS but she said that we just have to pray and leave it all to God. My faith is my strongest weapon that we will have a normal and healthy baby by September. :) Please help me to ask God for this. Thank you!

much love,

Monday, April 6, 2015

Preggo Diaries Week 18.

So far so good! I've been consistently posting updates about my pregnancy on a weekly basis! :) I'd say this is a challenge for me, because I tend to forget posting every now and then, but my baby is my motivation!:) Now I'm on my 18th week!

I can't help but to feel really excited (and a bit nervous) about everything! As a first time mom, I totally do not have any idea of how and what to feel, if not because of moms around me. According to the what to expect app, my baby is as big as a sweet potato! (5.5 inches, 5 oz) I can still remember when our baby is as small as a pea, I'm telling John ang tagal naman nyang lumaki! Now I am almost half my pregnancy journey already! Can't wait for my ultrasound and CAS. (Really praying for a healthy and normal baby!PS. And a cute one as well! and I'm asking people to pray for the baby too) I am really expecting that we will be having our CAS at 20 weeks, but my OB insisted that we should have it at 24 weeks instead. (Another month, why why???) I swear I have the lowest EQ in the world so waiting is really HAAAARD for me. John said we have to wait, so I have no choice but to wait. (cross arms)
I was looking at myself in front of the mirror yesterday and I have noticed that my body has changed. I have a defined baby bump already, I can see some visible veins (maybe because it's starting to expand) and I can no longer make it small.=P The other day my husband asked me if I can make my tummy small, and then I tried, and failed. Silly.
Speaking of bumps, I remember posting something about people telling me my bump is bigger than usual. Now they can no longer tell me that because I'm approaching my 5th month already! hehehe. =P I am guilty of eating a lot (I have this weird desire to keep myself full always) and I promise I will ask my OB next week on how to suppress my growing appetite. I don't feel really bad about growing, because I know my baby is growing too! A soon to be mom asked me if I am worried or what to gain weight, and believe me, been there done that! (The only difference is that I'm not pregnant back then) Not that I will not take good care of myself, it's just that I am willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the baby. 
This week, I've been a little worried that I still haven't felt my baby moving. (I honestly experience flicking sensations inside my tummy and I'm not sure if that's really it) That night I immediately told my husband that I'm feeling something, and he started feeling my tummy. And he claimed that he felt our baby moving! I'm not really sure, since they say it feels like butterflies in your stomach. Now I am more confused. Some moms are telling me that's it, but I am not assuming just like that!=P Well I am still looking forward to more defined movements next time. (But I am still looking forward to those little flickers every night, just in case that's really the baby!)

I will be having my 5th prenatal check up next week. It's doppler time again and I am always excited hearing my baby's heartbeat. :) I will keep everyone posted about my weight gain (lol) and other changes that I will experience next week. :)

much love,

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Preggo Diaries. Week 17.

Last Sunday marked my 17th week. I am still getting that feeling of paranoia, since I haven't felt my baby moving yet. All I have are these little flicking movements inside my tummy, but I am not sure if that's really the baby. My husband never gets tired of listening to my worries as a first time mom. (And I thank him for that) For a worrywart like me, it's quite impossible not to feel paranoid.=P 
Anyway, I always have this habit of making my baby feel loved by rubbing my tummy every morning after waking up. Sometimes I get confused, since my tummy doesn't seem to be as big as it is the entire day. But this morning, I suddenly felt that my tummy got bigger than usual. Something like, I swear I'm not this big last week! Just amazing how fast my baby grows! And yet again, I am thankful for the gift of life. In lieu of that, I am sharing this quote I've seen online.
Apart from the condition of my baby inside, I am quite worried of stretch marks. My husband had been very helpful in reminding me to apply lotion everyday just to make sure that I will not be having any marks after I give birth. But I realized, if I will be having them, why should I be ashamed? I have been surrounded with people who are wishing to have a baby. Some of them are waiting for years and years just to conceive. I know how painful it is to wait, especially if you do not know when is the right time. I feel very blessed and fortunate that baby bacon came a year after our marriage. I also admit that I have been struggling to conceive because I have PCOS. At first, we tried without any meds at all, and yes, I get delayed every month. I've spent a lot of money buying pregnancy tests, just to get a BFN. After a few months, I've decided to schedule an appointment with my OB, just to confirm that I have bilateral PCOS. I took meds. No, I took expensive meds just to increase my chances. (Clearly, it doesn't give me an assurance that I will conceive.) For a few months, we've been monitoring my follicles if they have improved. I got tired, and decided to look for an infertility expert. And luckily, last December, God granted us a very precious blessing. I am now almost halfway there!
I just want to give a shout out to all brave mothers out there who got postpartum marks. Never be ashamed of the marks that you got. It will forever be a reminder that God has chosen you and blessed you. :)