We're more than half of my journey! Thank you Lord for keeping us both safe and healthy! This week is the much awaited week of my pregnancy (aside from giving birth of course), since I will be having my Congenital Anomaly Scan on Friday. I'm nervous yet excited. Like what I have said whenever I feel anxious about everything, I pray. And it helps. It helps me A LOT. I'm not that nervous just like before. God is giving me positive vibes!
So last Saturday, I had this mini-shopping trip in the maternity section of a department store. I was able to sell a phone and I told myself, I should be rewarded so I bought two maternity dresses as my belly is getting bigger every week! To my surprise, my mother told me we are going to shop for more clothes! Shopping for maternity clothes is not my priority, as we are saving up for the baby. I have some loose clothes and leggings at home and I know I can survive work by wearing those. But then my mother is such a "sozzzyal" (and they know that I am not, and can wear clothes from 168 or Greenhills) that she told me I should wear decent clothes especially during meetings. So I obliged. Who does not want clothes for free?? :) So she helped me to choose clothes (lots of it) and I never got tired of trying everything on. Thanks to mother, now I do not have a hard time choosing clothes every morning.
In line with that, I want to share my first ever "legit" preggo selfie! I just turned 21 weeks last Sunday and believe me, back pains and difficulty in sleeping had been some of my friends lately.
Please help me pray for a healthy baby! :)
much love,