
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Playing Favorites.

As much as I want to share positive thoughts today, I cannot. Allow me to share something not so pleasing about myself today, that I have been containing since I was young. Please take into consideration that I have unbalanced hormones today, which might result to a more emotional entry.

Since I was young, I am a certified lola's girl. My inang took care of me since my parents have to work hard for us. As the eldest, I was able to experience the life of not having your toys, because your parents do not have money to buy you everything. My parents are disciplinarian. That might be the reason why I grew closer to my inang than to them.

Also, I grew up to be the least favorite of my parents. And I have accepted that. Or so I thought. Growing up, it is so hard to be compared to the most favorite. It is hard to be establishing your own standards and not meeting them, because your parents' standards are waaay to high. There are some circumstances that you really can't avoid. Like hating yourself because you can never please your parents. because you're different. and you did not grew the way they want you to.

Life is unfair, but I know I am still blessed that I woke up this morning and it's our weekly payroll and I will get my salary today.


PS. I know I didn't make any sense. Pardon.

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I'd like to hear it from you! :) good vibes!